Thursday, July 26, 2012

VBS Day 1

What a wonderful day!  I would say the best yet.  We got to SDLG early today to get the painting started and to prepare before VBS (and to avoid some of PAP’s terrible morning traffic).  The kids began arriving for VBS around 9 a.m. and we welcomed each while music played through the sound system.  We hugged and high-fived and even encouraged those who wanted to dance at the front of the church.  One little guy had some pretty good moves.  Day one of VBS was a huge hit and was coordinated wonderfully by Ashley.  Joelle and team lead the kids in songs.  We were amazed that they already knew almost every song we had planned to teach them and even sang several additional songs for us in Creole.  Samuel was a huge blessing; not only in translating but he was by far the most successful at wrangling the kids and keeping some semblance of order.  We jumped rope, colored, and each kid made a keep-sake out of modeling clay depicting some of God’s creation (the theme of our VBS week is “Our God is the ONE true God” and today’s focus was on Genesis 1:1 and God’s creation).  I believe all the kids were blessed by the songs, the scripture, the skit, and most of all the attention, hugs, and holding of the team. 

Meanwhile, great progress was made on the painting.  The outside of the orphanage is painted and a large portion of the outside of the school.  The Haitian painters continue to be fascinated by the sprayer and several got to try their hand at it today including Pastor Vaval!  I believe he enjoyed it most of all and caught on very quickly. 

Our evening ended with a precious worship time on the Vaval’s front porch with Joelle and Julia taking turns playing the guitar.  We took time to each share a personal prayer request and were blessed to be joined by Moise and Kristie in our concluding Haitian style prayer (the whole group prayed for each other aloud simultaneously).  The mingled voices being lifted to our Lord created a humbling and moving experience for each and every one of us. 

We’re all looking forward to another wonderful day of VBS with the kids tomorrow, and hopefully a trip to a local orphanage in the afternoon followed by a few hours of painting in the cooler hours of the evening. 
Although we’re having a wonderful time here, we miss you all and can’t begin to express how grateful we are to have you all back home supporting and praying for us.  We think of you throughout our days. 

There is so much more to share, but that will have to wait for another time.  As day four winds down and the muscles are starting to feel a little sore and the wits a little frayed, this verse seems appropriate to close with…

God, the giver of all grace, has called you to share in Christ's eternal Glory and after you have suffered a little he will bring you to perfection: he will confirm, strengthen and establish you forever. (1 Peter 5:10)


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