Sunday, January 15, 2012

final days

Bon soir from Haiti! This is Tim reporting late Sunday night prior to our departure tomorrow a.m. God is doing big things in the lives of His people in Haiti. Our day started with pumpkin soup for breakfast – another scrumptious meal served up by our hostess Francoise, wife of pastor Moise.

We loaded up 2 vehicles and headed off to church. The music and the singing are outstanding at Source de la Grace – they put a lot of time into their music ministry, much like we do @ LCF – and you can tell the difference it makes. The pews were filled across the auditorium and up into the balcony – over 500 strong. Scott preached another awesome message – this time from the book of Nehemiah regarding revival. It was very well received, especially with the assistance of our interpreter Samuel. Where would we be this week without our interpreters Samuel and Sarah? Government officials were present at today’s church service to renew the Source de la Grace’s permit that had expired - they passed with flying colors, and you could tell that the officials were very impressed with the progress the church had made. After the service, Janese got an opportunity to visit with the doctor that would be providing care for the orphans at the new orphanage. She was very encouraged as a result of the meeting.

After church, our team treated our hosts for the week (Pastor Moise and his family) to a nice lunch at a resort restaurant called Visa Village. It had a very nice buffet which included garbanzo beans, chicken, rice, and pizza. Janese was excited about some kind of special cole slaw they had. For dessert they had coconut pudding – needless to say it was yummy.

Next we made a pit stop at the house to change clothes before heading back to the church. Bev worked with Pastor Moise on a computer program that promises to make his keeping track of his congregation more efficient. Meanwhile, the boys were helping John hang 4 security lights and a pencil sharpener at the church facility. Most of you who know John know that John probably didn’t need the help. But, he was very kind to let us touch his tools every now and then. It is very similar to throwing a dog a bone every once in a while. Scott pretty much held the ladder for John while Todd was calculating style points. Tim was supervising all 3 making sure that no Haitian building codes were broken.

The day ended with a big party at the Vaval family home. It was a combination birthday party (Moises’ mom’s 80th birthday, and a good bye party for the LCF team leaving in the morning. Guests included leaders from the church, 2 other Haitian pastors and their wives, the Vaval family and of course the LCF team. The menu consisted of 2 cakes, and 3 trays of assorted croissants. The highlight was the fellowship that transpired after church leaders expressing their gratitude for our visit, and Scott expressing our gratitude for their hospitality. Bev described later the same evening that prayers for “knitting our hearts together” with our Haitian brothers and sisters had been answered. God is moving in Haiti – and I think we’re all humbled to have an opportunity to be a part of that movement.

Verse for the day (from Bev): James 2:5,6 – “Listen my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which He has promised to those who love Him? But you have dishonored the poor man.

for Team Haiti

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 4

Last night I (Janese) went to bed with the anticipation that I would be blogging tonight about a much different day than we had. As I went to bed and began to pray I caught myself asking God to bless our plan to go to St. Louis Du Sud in hopes of seeing any of our orphans and perhaps gain some closure. I got an instant sinking feeling as I realized in our excitement of this opportunity that we/I had not paused to pray to seek God’s will, His desire, His heart, and His plan in the matter. I’m with Haitian believers who demonstrate seeking God’s plan every day, but I missed it.

Today we were all up and ready to leave for a trip to a rural church plant that Source De La Grace (SDLG) had started in July of 2006. The truck that we were to meet was delayed. Our plan was beginning to fall apart. Upon arriving, Moise explained to us that the ground that the church is on is his family’s and for many years had been used for voodoo practices. It’s great to see this beautiful place claimed for God. Road conditions called for slow travel to the site. Another hit to our plan. After we had time to fellowship with the congregation, Moise realized there was not enough time to go to St. Louis du Sud and also get to our scheduled meeting with the men’s and women’s ministries at SDLG. Our plan was not a good plan and only God knows why. During the earthquake service, I opened my Bible to follow Scott as he preached from Romans. I saw the “5-18-11 Haiti” written next to Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, whom have been called according to His purpose.” I wrote that the day I found out our orphans were gone from St. Louis. It gave me comfort and it gives me comfort today knowing God is working for good in all things, even my misconceived plans.

What God did plan for us was to have exceptional meetings with the women’s and men’s groups. It was moving to see their dedication to their walk. The women’s group actually finished before the men’s. A first in the history of Christianity (slight overstatement from Todd)! Both the women’s and men’s groups face some of the same challenges we face in the states. What was remarkable was to see how dedicated they are to the church and to each other. There is much we can learn from them. I think I say that everything time I am here.

Much love from Haiti,


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 3

An amazing day here in Haiti! In the morning, after some rounds of improvised badminton, tennis and bocce ball with Moise Jr. (8 yrs old and delightful), we had the privilege of meeting with Moise and 3 leaders from Source de la Grace, plus Zachari, a young man from SDLG who is now pastoring a church plant in the south near Les Cayes. These men are reflective of Pastor Moise - all gentle, godly young men of strong character who love Jesus and love the church. We had prayed last Sunday for our hearts to be knit together with these people, and the Lord has accomplished just that. We spent a couple hours talking about their vision for ministry to orphans, to the community around them through the school, distribution of purified water, and to the people of SDLG through small groups, discipleship, and various schools or weekly workshops, such as a Music/Worship School, Bible School, and Nursing School. The like-mindedness was astounding. We have found wonderful partners in ministry down here! By the way, the orphanage should be completed sometime in the next 8 weeks or so - it's being constructed very well and will be run with great love and organization.

So today is the 2nd Anniversary of the earthquake. We anticipated it being an emotional day, even moreso than last year when we were in St. Louis du Sud, since we are actually in Port-au-Prince very close to the epicenter, and are staying with the Vaval family (who lost their sweet John Mark that day). It was a national holiday, and you heard crowds of people singing at various times throughout the day as they remembered that tragic day.

It's hard to describe how it felt to ride in the car over to the church this afternoon, holding Francoise Vaval's hand, quietly weeping with her as she missed her young son, John Mark. Seeing her with her hands lifted later on in worship of her Lord Jesus was moving to see. I want to have her perspective. The Lord has much to teach us about having an eternal perspective.

Source de la Grace had a service this afternoon at 3:00, and I can honestly say that I have never been to such an amazing service in my life. The place was packed with nearly 1,500 people. For the first half hour or so, people continued to arrive by foot, and many of them were carrying their own chairs up to the balcony or waiting as many men brought the wood benches over from the school to put up in the balcony.

It is hard to express in words the beauty of this 3 hour service with people we've come to love and appreciate so much! In the states, we have "moments of silence" - not so in Haiti! Such heartfelt worship and prayers! Scott preached (yes - preached!!) with Samuel interpreting, from Romans 8:28, especially emphasizing the "all things" that God works together for good - powerful! It was followed by an invitation that people responded to, then more worship which was simply indescribable -- full of joy and wonder and dancing as people celebrated that they are "children of God"! See what I mean?? . . . an eternal perspective!! We left wanting to become more like our Haitian brothers and sisters!!

God is faithful and loving and we know it full well!!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 2

Hello from Haiti,

We have had a great day. We visited the church today to look at the property and school. Traveling to the church from Moise's is always an experience. Todd, Tim and John rode in the back of an open air flatbed through the crazy streets of PAP. Near death experiences by pedestrians are met with quiet resignation and mortocylcles, though everywhere, have no driving rights as compared to trucks and cars.

We toured the school facility, met the students and teachers. Had the opportunity to spend quality time with the school principal, Jewell (our pronunciation and improper spelling), asking him lots of questions about their mission and needs. At noon they have a type of 'chapel' and we did some improptu songs with the 112 kids. Most impresive was Tim with his rendition of 'What'll E O Cha.' What a gift he has in music ministry (Look out Brian)! Seriously, the kids loved it. It was a real joy to touch and love on the kids and we are very excited about the possibilities in the furure. It was humbling to see Moise and Jewell's passion and integrity for the kids of the school and the community at large. We are excited to work with them.

We attended the Wednesday evening church service and Scott spoke. Regardless of the language, it is wonderful to worship with fellow believers from a different culture. We could sense God's presence in the service. We had a chance to see Lucson, which many of you know, and meet his new wife. Samuel has been our translator and has been a delight. We have had a chance to meet and get to know his fiance Sarah.

In our wrap-up time tonight, Francoise treated us with home made, fresh papaya smoothies. What a way to end a blessed day.

All our Love,

Team Haiti (Todd and John)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 1

Greetings from PAP!

We arrived 15 minutes early, made it through customs wihtout any issues, and walked outside where Moise greeted us. What a welcome sight! As we walkwed to the vehicle, we heard Samuel's voice calling out. He and Sara were waiting outside the fence to join us. They traveled from Les Cayes this morning to join us for the week. They will help interpret for us.

Traffic was especially bad today, so our 30 minute ride to his house took about 2 hours. When we arrifvevd, Franciose was busy in the kitchen preparing a wonderful dinner. Kristi, Sarah and Moise Jr greeted us as well.

While it is only 9PM, everyone is feeling tired after a long day so I think all will be in bed before too long.

Tomorrow we will get to spend time with the school children, meet the administrator and learn more about their school program. Wednesday night church will be a great ending to the day.

Pray that we listen well tomorrow, ask the right questions and come away with a clearer picture of how we might help the work they are doing with these school children.

Thanks for your prayers. We are grateful to have such faithful partners back home.

For His Glory

for Team Haiti

Janese Brown
Todd Herrman
Bev May
Tim Nixon
John Skillman

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weaving a tapestry

A team from LCF will be leaving this week from Jan. 10-16. The purpose of the trip is to meet with our new Haiti partner, Moise, and his ministry team. The team from LCF will most importantly be there to build relationships, gain insight, and seek God's wisdom in the needs that our church can be a part of in the coming years.

Please pray for the team as they travel. Pray for safety, health: both physically, mentally, and spiritually, and for God's provision and wisdom.

About a month ago, God gave me a visual of a tapestry. He was intricately weaving threads into the tapestry at quite a quick pace. God was busy. I saw a glimpse of the work, but He didn't have a moment to spare to speak to my heart. It was almost as if He was busy preparing for the Haiti team's arrival to Haiti. I never saw the tapestry finished. In fact, I do not believe it is finished. It is just beginning. God is intertwining LCF and the ministry in Haiti with Moise together in only a way that the Almighty can. Please pray an ongoing prayer that God weaves a tapestry full of His love, His life, His way, and His glory.

At the same time that I received the weaving visual, I was led to pray Daniel 9: 4-19. While it is a long passage, it is full of God's grace and glory and redemption. Please take time to read and reflect on these verses and pray over the missions in Haiti.

The team will update you as much as possible on the blog this week. Scott will also tweet. I will add any prayers or details as the week goes along. These are exciting times here at LCF missions!

Amy N.