Sunday, October 14, 2012

Worship of the Lamb- Haiti Style

What if we had church for 8 hours on Sundays at LCF?  What if it was 97 degrees with no A/C and all the men wore slacks and dress shirts? What if we blasted the neighbors' roofs off with our music?  What if we danced in the aisles, not caring about our image as we worship the King?

I pondered each of these questions throughout the day today.  I'm not putting forth SDLG as the world's best church or the Hatians as "better" Christians than those in Liberty, MO, but I am willing to let myself be challenged by these thoughts.

We woke up to our alarms at 4:30 AM this morning, 7 out of the 8 of us not really knowing what to expect.  After maneuvering the dark streets of PAP, we pulled up to Source de la Grace to the sound of loud intercessory prayer.  Much music followed, some planned and some spontaneously scheduled into the service by the Holy Spirit.  Walking up to the stage to preach, I felt unworthy.  Especially tonight as I preached on Job, I felt unqualified to teach about God's wisdom and justice to those who have truly experienced intense suffering.

But God's Word is inspired and penetrates hearts in every century and within every continent, country, and culture.  Praise Him for his inerrant, powerful, God-breathed words of life.

We met the 14 boys living at the SDLG "Center" (the name for now until Moise and Francoise give an official one) this afternoon.  Delightful young men!  What a joy to hug them and see them smile. Joe was their favorite (surprise, surprise).  We enjoyed dancing, soccer, writing names, bubbles, licking granola bar wrappers, and black jack gum (ask Mark - it was fun while it lasted!)

Also, last night, we gave the Vavals some birthday gifts that we had brought for them.  They were very appreciative!

 (Pictured: Sara and Kristie Vaval)

Tomorrow we plan to do some health assessments with the kids, organize school supplies with Giraud (school principal), and continue our electrical analysis of the property.  The ladies will meet with the women of the church for women's ministry at 3:30 PM.  Please pray for these things.

More to come tomorrow . . .

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