Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 4

Last night I (Janese) went to bed with the anticipation that I would be blogging tonight about a much different day than we had. As I went to bed and began to pray I caught myself asking God to bless our plan to go to St. Louis Du Sud in hopes of seeing any of our orphans and perhaps gain some closure. I got an instant sinking feeling as I realized in our excitement of this opportunity that we/I had not paused to pray to seek God’s will, His desire, His heart, and His plan in the matter. I’m with Haitian believers who demonstrate seeking God’s plan every day, but I missed it.

Today we were all up and ready to leave for a trip to a rural church plant that Source De La Grace (SDLG) had started in July of 2006. The truck that we were to meet was delayed. Our plan was beginning to fall apart. Upon arriving, Moise explained to us that the ground that the church is on is his family’s and for many years had been used for voodoo practices. It’s great to see this beautiful place claimed for God. Road conditions called for slow travel to the site. Another hit to our plan. After we had time to fellowship with the congregation, Moise realized there was not enough time to go to St. Louis du Sud and also get to our scheduled meeting with the men’s and women’s ministries at SDLG. Our plan was not a good plan and only God knows why. During the earthquake service, I opened my Bible to follow Scott as he preached from Romans. I saw the “5-18-11 Haiti” written next to Romans 8:28 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, whom have been called according to His purpose.” I wrote that the day I found out our orphans were gone from St. Louis. It gave me comfort and it gives me comfort today knowing God is working for good in all things, even my misconceived plans.

What God did plan for us was to have exceptional meetings with the women’s and men’s groups. It was moving to see their dedication to their walk. The women’s group actually finished before the men’s. A first in the history of Christianity (slight overstatement from Todd)! Both the women’s and men’s groups face some of the same challenges we face in the states. What was remarkable was to see how dedicated they are to the church and to each other. There is much we can learn from them. I think I say that everything time I am here.

Much love from Haiti,


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