Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 3

An amazing day here in Haiti! In the morning, after some rounds of improvised badminton, tennis and bocce ball with Moise Jr. (8 yrs old and delightful), we had the privilege of meeting with Moise and 3 leaders from Source de la Grace, plus Zachari, a young man from SDLG who is now pastoring a church plant in the south near Les Cayes. These men are reflective of Pastor Moise - all gentle, godly young men of strong character who love Jesus and love the church. We had prayed last Sunday for our hearts to be knit together with these people, and the Lord has accomplished just that. We spent a couple hours talking about their vision for ministry to orphans, to the community around them through the school, distribution of purified water, and to the people of SDLG through small groups, discipleship, and various schools or weekly workshops, such as a Music/Worship School, Bible School, and Nursing School. The like-mindedness was astounding. We have found wonderful partners in ministry down here! By the way, the orphanage should be completed sometime in the next 8 weeks or so - it's being constructed very well and will be run with great love and organization.

So today is the 2nd Anniversary of the earthquake. We anticipated it being an emotional day, even moreso than last year when we were in St. Louis du Sud, since we are actually in Port-au-Prince very close to the epicenter, and are staying with the Vaval family (who lost their sweet John Mark that day). It was a national holiday, and you heard crowds of people singing at various times throughout the day as they remembered that tragic day.

It's hard to describe how it felt to ride in the car over to the church this afternoon, holding Francoise Vaval's hand, quietly weeping with her as she missed her young son, John Mark. Seeing her with her hands lifted later on in worship of her Lord Jesus was moving to see. I want to have her perspective. The Lord has much to teach us about having an eternal perspective.

Source de la Grace had a service this afternoon at 3:00, and I can honestly say that I have never been to such an amazing service in my life. The place was packed with nearly 1,500 people. For the first half hour or so, people continued to arrive by foot, and many of them were carrying their own chairs up to the balcony or waiting as many men brought the wood benches over from the school to put up in the balcony.

It is hard to express in words the beauty of this 3 hour service with people we've come to love and appreciate so much! In the states, we have "moments of silence" - not so in Haiti! Such heartfelt worship and prayers! Scott preached (yes - preached!!) with Samuel interpreting, from Romans 8:28, especially emphasizing the "all things" that God works together for good - powerful! It was followed by an invitation that people responded to, then more worship which was simply indescribable -- full of joy and wonder and dancing as people celebrated that they are "children of God"! See what I mean?? . . . an eternal perspective!! We left wanting to become more like our Haitian brothers and sisters!!

God is faithful and loving and we know it full well!!


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