Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 2

Second day in Haiti
After the van in the river debacle, we were rescued by Marie Masson, president of Lafana institute of hope school in Fauché, Haiti. She sacrificially and joyfully let us sleep the night in a guesthouse on the complex (and we suspect they gave us their mattresses and fans. She is a very strong woman of god and was very encouraging for us on our mission. After we woke up we went down about 100 yards to a beautiful beach where we meditated on the word enjoyed gods creation. We also had a wonderful session of prayer and journling. While on the beach we saw some pigs, cows, goats, chickens, and natives showering in a freshwater spring.

Then we went back and visited the schoolchildren who were in session. The school was free and all children walked there, up to 3 miles. One thing I (Jake) really enjoyed was that we were given a whole coconut to drink the milk, which was very good, and eat the meat, also good. We left some sports balls with the kids as a gift then got on a different bus and visited st louis du sud for about five minutes. God planted a desire in all of us to love on those kids as much as possible. They're so adorable and I just want to hug them all all the time! We also had another change of plans: instead of staying at the guest house, we are now at louis st germains house. But don't worry, Natalie our friend from Miami is at the guest house with the rest of her group (Natalie joined us in PAP and thought she was going to have a tranquil ride to the guest house but ended up experiencing our river adventure)

Tonight, we ate a delicious dinner of fish, turkey, salad, rice, and beans. We also prepared a snack and a pack of photos to give to each kid and talked with barbara, a woman who ministers at pastor louis' church. She told us much about voodoo and the spiritual battle in Haiti. Hearing about all the curses, spells, and demons helped us to understand what the daily battles of those who minister here longterm are. Her words gave new meaning to he promise if 1 John 4:4 that he who is in us is far greater than he who is in the world, since Haitian Christians boldly take a stand against voodoo. I (cam) am really struck by the total schism that exists between Haitian Christians and those who haven't been born again. The believers truly do shine God's in all they say and do. A few prayer requests from the team. First, that we would all be changed in dramatic ways and that God would give us strength to serve in his power. Also, tomorrow, lord willing, we will b with the kids all day, so pray for connections and influence for the name of the LORD!
Jake and Cam

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